By: Tyler Overfelt

Early one Saturday morning, the members of FEMA Corps team Spruce 4 climbed out of their van in the suburbs of Chicago to help feed the hungry at Redeeming Grace Church’s weekly food pantry.

The church directs a weekly client’s choice food pantry, where those in need can choose what they need to feed their family for the next few days. Valerie Brown, the coordinator of the food pantry, puts a high value on treating the pantry’s customers with respect and giving them the freedom to choose the food items that are best for their family.

Spruce 4 worked to keep the tables stocked with a variety of canned goods, breads, and fruits to make sure all of the customers could get their share of food. As the day went on, the small church became crowded, but the team members and other volunteers worked closely to make sure none of the spaces stayed vacant. About 120 people were served during the day, which Ms. Brown described as one of the “more rambunctious crowds of the month.”

Reflecting on the experience as the volunteers dispersed, Ms. Brown mentioned the need for a hygiene component in the drive. Members of Spruce 4 offered to help organize a donations drive to collect some of the materials the drive would need. With only a few frequent volunteers, Redeeming Grace Church faced many challenges organizing a drive in the past.

Team member Jordan Schoeneberger of Delaware sees the project as an excellent way to make a long-term, meaningful contribution to those in the community who need assistance most. “Other more vital needs are often addressed before people can address this need, which is also important,” explains Schoeneberger. Her and other members of the team are currently working to put together some of the materials needed for a successful hygiene drive before the team leaves Chicago.


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