The vandals who targeted several tombstones at Evergreen Cemetery last fall had no idea that the large monument with its four pillars was Vinton’s memorial to one of its most beloved soldiers and leaders.

Now, as the legal case against the four teenagers moves toward resolution, Benton County Attorney Dave Thompson hopes that local residents – and perhaps a descendant of Col. John Shane – will help keep his memory alive.

“He was the George Washington of Vinton, a citizen-soldier beloved by his people,” says Thompson.

The county attorney observes that while Col. Shane went on to become a state senator and judge, his tombstone does not list those accomplishments.

What was most important to Shane, said Thompson, was his love for the men with whom he served.

“One who loved his fellow men,” reads the monument that stands among the tombstones in the area devoted to Civil War veterans.

Shane studied law in Ohio, with future Secretary of War Edward Stanton. He moved to Vinton in 1855. When the Civil war began, he volunteered as a private in Company G. He was soon elected as Captain, and later as Major. Despite suffering serious injuries at Shiloh, he returned to the unit and became a Colonel. He was a public servant until suffering what we would now call a stroke.

See more information about Shane’s life in the links below:

Civil War notebook

Company G

Iowa Legislature history page

The Shane tombstone has been re-assembled, but much damage from the vandalism, as well as the effects of a century and a half of wind and rain, is still visible. Thompson hopes that someday in the near future, the community or a Shane descendant will commission a replacement tombstone.

Any descendants of Col. Shane, or anyone with more information about his life and family, is encouraged to call Thompson at 319-472-2436.


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TB June 22, 2015, 10:47 am We will soon know the importance of this project when we see if a plea bargain is reached or if full prosecution for this horrible crime is sought.
LV June 22, 2015, 11:55 am As punishment for vandalizing the monument, the four should have to replace what they vandalized then maybe they would think twice before damaging thing that don\'t belong to them.
TP June 22, 2015, 1:19 pm Well! Lisa Vogt has a novel idea. Have the accused pay for repairing or/and replacement of all the damage they\'ve caused! Wow, I hope courts reads her note, if they\'re found guilty.
DC June 23, 2015, 4:40 pm If the teens are found guilty make them do the repairs.

Dave Coots
JS June 26, 2015, 1:20 pm Make the S.O.B\'s pay for the cost to repair it and for a new memorial. The courts need to be more harsh on disrespectful little bastards. Full extent of the law and order them to stand out in the North Lawn of the Court House with a sign stating what they did. I would also like to add this, If the County Attorney accepts a plea deal from these little bastards I say we the citizens of Benton County needs to vote him out of office.