On July 11, 2011, a 130mph Derecho wind storm blew through Vinton. Along with all of the trees, the ‘Serving Vinton’ signs on the outskirts of town were also damaged. Unfortunately, the sign on Hwy 218 west out of town still remains to be fixed. Tharp Design has drawn up plans to rebuild and reinforce the current sign and grant funds have been secured from the Vinton Community Foundation however $3,000 remains.

We are asking for the support of the community to help raise the remaining funds.

These signs are important to the community as they promote the organizations that serve the Vinton area. The service organizations listed on the signs make a big impact in our community by serving as volunteers, hosting programs and events, providing services for those in need as well as enhancing the quality of life for many Vinton people. We are proud to promote these organizations to the Vinton residents as well as any visitors in our community.

Checks can be made out to Vinton Unlimited with ‘Serving Vinton Sign’ in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to Vinton Unlimited at PO 387 or dropped off at the Vinton Unlimited office in City Hall.

Any questions can be directed to Duane Fisher at 319-475-2318 or dufisher@lpc.net


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DS June 23, 2015, 3:00 pm Hey Dean,

Can you find out whatever happened to the Vinton sign that was removed from DOT property on the south side of town. The city built it out of brick and then had to dismantle it because it was on 218 right of way property. The public was told it would be re-erected once the new high school was built. The high school has been completed for over 7 years and still no sign.
TH June 23, 2015, 8:50 pm I don\'t believe those signs are relevant or necessary in this day and age. IMHO it\'s a waste of resources to fix those signs.