The Vinton-Shellsburg High School Post Prom game committee is in need of a new chairperson, as soon as possible. The group is seeking a parent of a VSHS junior who is would be willing to use their energetic, outgoing personality to help organize activities and volunteers for the Post-Prom event. Please contact Sarah Wagner or one of the other committee members if interested. Our contact info is on your letter you received the beginning of the school year or on the post prom link on the high school website. The Game Committee works on organizing games and activities for the Post-Prom event, and finding volunteers for each game. The group is also in need of more volunteers for the event, as well as preparation, set up, clean up and tear-down. Any offer to help would be appreciated. To volunteer, contact Sarah Wagner at Click HERE for the Google Docs sign-up sheet for the event. "We have a committee meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at Windsor Manor if someone is interested and wants to learn about the job," says Wagner. Leah Kakes sales at VSHS Friday The Post Prom Committee will be selling Leah Kakes at lunch hour at VSHS on Friday. Leah is a senior at Gladbrook Reinbeck, she's owned her own "kupkake" business since she was 16.


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