The goal has been reached! 6 weeks ago the V-S Fine Arts Century Club issued a challenge to the community to raise $18,214.00 for the purchase of new choir robes for the Vinton-Shellsburg High School choirs. It had been 30 years or more since the last purchase. An order for 120 new robes, stoles, hangers, and garment bags will be placed this week. The choir expects to be able to wear them for large group contest in early May. We look forward to seeing the 80 choir members in their new robes.
The Fine Arts Century Club wants to thank all who supported the fund drive in all ways to make this purchase possible. We were aware of other fund drives taking place so we are grateful for your gifts.
1. We first need to thank those persons who have held annual memberships in the FACC because without those memberships we would not have had the $5,000.00 to make this challenge. We want to invite all to consider joining the organization. All it takes is writing that $100.00 check. The benefits to the students are many and great.
2. The Vinton Community Foundation donated $2,000, and the another $2,000 from the Simon Estes concert funds went toward the project.
3. To date, 57 named donors made gifts to the drive. These donors were businesses, individuals, and community and church groups. Gifts were made in amounts from $2,800 to $5.00. We can’t thank you all enough for your support. There were many unnamed persons who dropped money into the buckets at Fareway and at Theisen’s during the weekends of Kiwanis pancake sales. We thank you. And thanks to Fareway and Theisen’s for providing the space for these sales.
4. Vinton Kiwanis Club gave the students an opportunity to earn money from pancake ticket sales. They earned $1,358.35. We like that the students helped out the fund drive in this way.
5. A $1,000.00 gift was received from McDonald’s in conjunction with Vinton Unlimited’s “After 5” and the remodeling and grand re-opening of the Vinton McDonald’s.
6. Gifts were received from persons in Colorado and Wisconsin.
7. Two gifts were made in memory of departed loved ones. Rhonda Westergard Henderson’s gift was given in loving memory of Stan Westergard. Her letter was published in a previous Vinton Today article. The second gift came from Lori Huston Kubicek (of Wisconsin) and her brother Jeff Huston (of Minnesota). It reads, “Dear Heather, Enclosed please find a donation for the Vinton-Shellsburg choir robe fundraiser. Our brother, Rick Huston, was a choir member his senior year of 1969 at Washington High School. He had a lifelong passion for music and cherished his Vinton hometown. We are pleased to make this donation in his memory. We understand the importance of arts in education, and Vinton is dear to our hearts. Best of luck.” What a wonderful statement recognizing the importance of the arts.
8. Thank you to Vinton Today, Cedar Valley Times and the Vinton Eagle for their coverage of the fund drive. The two out-of-state gifts most likely were the result of reading one of these publications. I received a note from a donor who shared with me her enthusiasm for the fund drive and how she spread the word to friends. It read, “Dear LuAnn, Thank you for the kind (thank you) note. I’m wondering how your fund drive is getting toward its final goal. When the fund drive was announced in the local newspaper, quite a few of our friends were on their snow bird migration so being fearful that they might miss this important opportunity to be of help, I emailed them the needed information.….The Fine Arts Department and supporters could very successfully benefit from future fund drives! Thanks to the FACC board for organizing and presenting this need to our community!”-- Jacquie Hodgson. How great is her enthusiasm!!
My past experiences with fund drives for students (2005 Independence Day band trip and new uniforms, the 2008 grand piano project and this choir robe project) reminds me of what Dr. Meeker recently said, “the people of Vinton usually get behind these things.”
Thank you for standing with us for the students.
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