There are no ads for regional or national companies — We rely completely on our local advertisers. There are no flashing ads to annoy you while reading. Missing are the sensationalized stories concerning our friends or neighbors whose lives have been turned upside down by one tragic event or another. Missing too are stories that aren’t accurate because we are more concerned about being fast than we are about being accurate (no, we’re not perfect, but our errors are from being human, not hasty.)
Your support keeps us connected as a community. With your support we provide daily news to those who don't get out much. During times of trouble and turmoil, we provide the one service that can immediately get accurate news out to anyone with the curiosity to know, from a perspective of sensitivity that only comes from knowing those affected by difficult news are also among our family of readers.
Deciding to be focused solely on Vinton, relying only on local advertisers and this once yearly request for voluntary donations takes a lot of courage and a lot of faith in our community’s willingness to support the work we do. Our faith and our future are in good hands. THANK YOU.
The numbers your support has amassed are difficult to comprehend. More than 50,000 unique visitors have been to VINTON TODAY. We have recorded nearly 20 MILLION pages visited on the site. On an average day 20,000 stories are read.
Will you help us continue to bring all of Vinton’s news direct to your inbox for another year? Any amount you can send will be sincerely appreciated. Most of all, thank you for reading VINTON TODAY.
Donations may be sent to Vinton Today Fundraiser, P.O. Box 477, Vinton, Iowa 52349 or donate electronically by clicking HERE.
Thanks so much!
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