Limited edition prints depicting the Red Cedar River, as the Cedar River was once known, are now on sale for $500 each by the “Celebrate The Red Cedar Project.” Therese Foth, a member of the group, is taking orders for the prints at Farmer’s Savings Bank & Trust. Limited to a run of 50 prints, each print is numbered and the print number will be assigned at the time payment is received. Delivery of the prints will be made at the unveiling of the pavilion constructed by the group on Friday, June 17th, at Celebration Park. The group will host a picnic at the park featuring Merchant’s Grilling and supported with a free-will donation.

The group decided to construct a pavilion along the Cedar at Celebration Park. In the pavilion will be an aluminum panel showing the Cedar River’s flow through Benton County from the Mt. Auburn bridge to the bridge south of Urbana. Nearly 20 feet in length, the display will show more than thirty “points of interest” along the river’s course. Beau Wood is working on the other side and on the end caps where there will be additional items of interest about the river, including photos of early bridges, wildlife living along the river and information about the major floods that have occurred. There will be information about Native American life along the river and about the nearly 1,400 acre area known as Dudgeon just across the river from Vinton.

The group has raised slightly more than $49,000 from private donations. They hope to raise enough to finish the project and offset future maintenance costs with a strong finish to the project.

To put your name in to purchase one of the limited edition prints, ask for Therese at Farmer’s Savings Bank & Trust or mail her at the postal address below. Those wanting to purchase a print can also email Therese at Please tell Therese how you wish to pay for your print in your email.

To make a general contribution to the project please send any checks to: VCF-Celebrate the Red Cedar Project c/o Therese Foth, Farmer’s Savings Bank and Trust, 401 B. Avenue, Vinton, IA 52349.


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