A Vinton family – and especially their young daughter – is celebrating the unexpected return of a dog who went missing a year and a half ago.

Jasmine (Jazzy), showed up at the home of Dwight and Bonnie Sanders, a few miles south of Vinton and 6.6 miles from her family home west of town. Those who know about the story are calling it a miracle.

“Bonnie's house is 6.6 miles from mine,” says Brandi Bresson. “I originally got Jasmine in July 2006 at an estimated age of 2 years old. She's been my daughter Zoey's dog since before she was born. Zoey just said 'Today is one of the happiest days of my life because we finally got Jazzy home.'"

Bresson reported Jasmine missing in January of 2015. The Friends of the Shelter posted her photo, but the family had heard nothing for nearly 18 months.

Then a few days ago, Bonnie Sanders saw Jasmine seeking shelter in one of the buildings on their farm. She took a photo and posted it on Facebook. Bresson saw the photo and thought she recognized Jasmine. Soon the family was making the journey to the Sanders farm.

“We have no idea where she was in the meantime,” Bresson said. The family has no idea where Jasmine walked, how she ended up that far from home, or who took care of her.

Bresson offered a “huge thank you” Sanders, as well as any unknown persons who may have cared for her alogn the way.

“We had come to terms with the fact that she was gone. It's awesome to find her 6.6 miles from home after all this time. She seems very happy to be home and Zoey is ecstatic to have her back,” says Bresson.

Bresson also encourages all pet owners to place a microchip in their pet, to help veterinarians be able to determine how to return a lost animal to its family. Also, those who find a lost dog are encouraged to take it to a veterinarian who may be able to scan it to help locate the owner. Jasmine did have a microchip when she went missing.


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SK July 20, 2016, 5:19 pm Wow, it\'s great to see this dog returned home! We live near the Sanders and Jazzy hung out at our farm much of this winter. We thought she\'d been dumped. My sister called the dog \"Fredaline\", shortened to \"Freddy\"! :)
SV July 20, 2016, 8:47 pm Very happy ending...love it! It\'s definitely helpful to have your pet microchipped but if you don\'t fill out the info online and keep it up to date then it pretty much defeats the purpose.
So happy the dog is safe and finally home!