Katherine Heidt, Vinton-Shellsburg High School student, might add a title to her name one day … Doctor Heidt. Katherine, along with 19 other students from 9 area high schools, chose to job shadow at the University of Iowa Health Care in their Junior Mini Medical School. The Workplace Learning Connection, in partnership with the University of Iowa and Vinton-Shellsburg Community School District, coordinated the event.

Heidt started the day off donning a white lab coat and learning about what it takes to get into medical school and the process a student goes through to become a doctor. After that, she spent some time in the Hardin Simulation Center with Harvey, a mannequin with a heartbeat to experience what cardiovascular physicians deal with. Katherine also discovered what it’s like to take a history, diagnose and treat a patient through Case-Based Learning. The high schoolers interacted with patient actors who simulated cases that can be seen in a doctor’s office or hospital.

Katherine has a much better idea of what it takes to become a doctor now. Career exploration activities such as the Junior Mini Medical School are available to Vinton-Shellsburg High School students through the Workplace Learning Connection and the VSHS Guidance office. To learn more, contact Ms. Sandy Hamilton or log on to www.workplace-learning.org.


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