TheCasey's General Stores company has purchased the Fast Stop in Vinton, west of its current location.

The Fast Stop at the corner of 4th street and Highway 218 will close at the end of October, although its electronic pumps will be in operation through Nov. 15. A sign on the door indicates that most items are on sale for a 40 percent discount from regular price; another sign lists the hours of business throughout October. Some FS employees say they have been asked to remain with the business once it reopens as Casey's. New Century Farm Service is the owner of the convenience store, which it has operated since 1994. While FS has several Fast Stop fueling stations throughout Iowa (including Garrison, Van Horne and Blairstown), the Vinton business was its only convenience store, offering groceries, a few auto maintenance items such as oil, snacks, and hot breakfast and sandwich shop. "The Vinton site is the only convenience store we own," says FS General Manager Jake Jabobs, "This is not our area of expertise. Casey's will be a good business to replace us and provide the same quality of products and service that Fast Stop has provided the past 24 years." Jacobs says the company thanks all of the local customers who have utilizedand patronized the business. "We will keep pumps open until Nov. 15. Customers can use their credit or debit cards or FS cards to buy fuel at the pumps. Casey's will take possession between Nov. 15 and Nov. 30," Jacobs adds. All of the other FS services, including energy, will continue as before, Jacobs explains, at all other FS locations, including those in Garrison, Van Horne and Blairstown, as well as the fertilizer facility. "Fuel and propane delivery will continue," says Jacobs. "We are only selling the actual convenience store." While New Century FS will miss the people it has befriended via the convenience store, Jacobs says the business will remain in the community with all of its other products and services.


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