New alumni were added to the roster of graduates of the University of Northern Iowa. The following graduates are listed along with their degree and place of residence. NOTE TO EDITOR: A * preceding a name indicates "graduated with honors," ** means "graduated with high honors," and *** means "graduated with highest honors" Atkins, IA Tyler Comisky Bachelor of Arts Comprehensive Sec Science Tchg Atkins, IA Kayla Minkel Bachelor of Arts Mathematics Teaching Atkins, IA * Madison Weekly Bachelor of Arts Accounting Mount Auburn, IA Danielle Hutton Master of Arts Speech-Language Pathology Palo, IA Colton Draker Bachelor of Arts Technology Management Vinton, IA Samuel Huss Bachelor of Arts Management: Organizatnl Ldrshp Marketing: Sales Management Vinton, IA Hunter Vogt Bachelor of Arts Marketing: Sales Management Walford, IA Megan Privratsky Bachelor of Arts Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Watkins, IA Brady Stramer Bachelor of Arts Elementary Education


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