A local benefit will be held on Sunday November 18, 2018 from 4-7:00 p.m. at the Vinton Presbyterian Church, located at 608 1st Avenue. Jesse Santiago Munoz-Crane was born on Saturday, August 18, 2018 weighing 7lbs. 5 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. Jesse has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disease called Severe Combined Immune Disorder (SCID), there are various types of SCID though treatments almost always include chemotherapy followed by a bone marrow transplant. Hopes are that they will be able to do a bone marrow transplant when Jesse is 60 days old. He is expected to stay in the hospital for 4-6 weeks after the transplant. He is currently in the Stead Family Children's Hopsital at UIHC and his parents are staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City. Jesse is the son of Raul and Pastor Jessica Munoz-Crane, he has a brother Sebastian. There are various ways to support the family. You can attend the benefit which includes an Italian supper and will also include a salad and dessert. The cost of the meal is a freewill donation, proceeds will go to the family. There will be a silent auction from 4-6:00 p.m. with a live auction beginning at 6:00 p.m. If you would like to donate an item to the auction you can do that, contact Becky Schneider at 319-430-6463 or email bschne@hotmail.com. You can also make a direct cash or check donation payable to Munoz-Crane Benefit Fund at Farmers Savings Bank & Trust located at 401 B Avenue in Vinton.


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