As we prepare to celebrate Vinton’s 150 years, plans have been made to celebrate and honor 150 women making a difference in the Vinton area. We are asking for your help in identifying these special women of our past and present day. Perhaps someone you knew or heard about in the past. Perhaps someone who impacted you or your family in a special way. Perhaps someone you worked with or worked for. Please help by making plans to submit historical as well as current women that have influenced our 150 years. No contribution is too small to be considered. Ideas for proper recognition and publicity of these women is still being discussed. Ideas include publicity of names with a photo and statements about each one’s part in the community. Perhaps a small booklet will be published to be available. Even an idea is being explored to have a special wall display with photos for others to add memories and kind words. Remembering our past does influence how we feel about our community. Each day individuals are doing thoughtful and important tasks and unfortunately, recognition may not happen. This idea is to remember how important and influential so many women have been in our Vinton community. Working on these plans are Nancy Beckman, Roxanne Ervin, Therese Foth, Ann Harrison, Ashley Hesson, Roxanne Higgins, Martha Long, Connie Ogier and Melissa Schwan. Submission forms are available at the Vinton Public Library, the Vinton Unlimited office and online at Submission forms will be collected until February 1, 2019. Mark your calendars for August 17-24, 2019 for a celebration of all that Vinton is, all we have accomplished and all that is yet to come. A full schedule of events to be released at a later date. Contact Melissa at the Vinton Unlimited office with questions. Click for form


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