A medium size stray dog was found in Benton Co. north of Vinton/south of Brandon. She has a collar with tags from an Ottumwa, IA vet but the owner's contact information is a dead end. If you know her, please call the Vinton/Benton Co. Animal Shelter (319) 472-4623 or emaildfriendsoftheshelter@yahoo.com ASAP. Thank you!


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JL January 5, 2011, 7:11 pm It is such a joy to sit here with our dog \"Diamond\" after searching for her all day yesterday, a restless night, and then again on horseback this morning. You can imagine our fears that this little dog might be hung up on a fence or laying in a ditch, hurt and unable to return to us.

But worse of all would be telling her six-year-old master that the dog had disappeared. Thank you \"Friends of the Shelter\" for your article letting us know she had been found safe and was in good care. You\'ve made one little girl and boy very happy.
DC January 5, 2011, 7:20 pm Owner was found, dog is home. Happy Ending!