The Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter will receive funding through an "FFA Growing Together" specialty block grant sponsored by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). The funds will increase the school district's access to specialty food crops (examples: fruits, vegetables, nuts or herbs) and build a stronger relationship between the FFA chapter and the school's food service program. The Vinton-Shellsburg FFA chapter was one of five selected to receive this initial grant.

As part of the application process, local participants agree to integrate at least three FFA-grown products into the school nutrition program. FFA Ag Instructor Melissa Herron, Food Service Director Karen Ackman, and V-S High School Principal Matt Kingsbury will provide coordination of the program.

The Growing Together initiative for coordination, management, and maintenance of the project will be giving V-S FFA $1,900 The initiative will also provide gardening supplies, and supplies needed by food service to process the specialty crops.

For more information about the Vinton-Shellsburg Community School District, please visit To learn more about the V-S FFA Chapter, contact Melissa Heeren at, and to learn more about the V-S Farm To School Chapter, contact Karen Ackman at


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