pictures from the town.
The Garrison Fire Auxiliary (Garrison Emergency Services) hosted a different sort of Easter Egg Hunt this year, during social distancing. The Auxillary cut, colored and decorated paper Easter Eggs and placed them throughout the town in windows of homes and buildings.The contest ran through noon on Easter Sunday, and participants were able to enter how many eggs they found throughout the community online, of course!The correct answer was 98 eggs and the 1st Place winner of Lost Island Water Park Tickets was Wanda Hinshaw, with 2nd & 3rd Place Winners of a Free Pizza from the Hitchin Post being Kali Decker & Christy DeGroot. The Lost Island Water Park Tickets were courtesy of the Garrison Fire Auxiliary.The Easter Bunny decided with the bad weather on Sunday that rounds should be made through the town a bit earlier than scheduled via one of the Fire Trucks where waves were shared with children throughout the town.Click to view a few other
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