It's National Telecommunicators Week!
I'm sure most of us have called 9-1-1 before. Usually, it's at the worst time of your life. Things are desperately wrong, or someone has been hurt or there's a fire. Maybe you just saw an accident.
Whatever the case, there's always a calm voice at the other end of the line asking how they can be of assistance. There's someone asking for your name and address so that they can send help to you. Maybe they ask for your phone number so that they can reach you again in case your call is disconnected.
Maybe they search frantically for the words to calm you when you've lost a loved one. Their shift may have included dispatching multiple ambulances and help to the scene of an accident. In all of these scenarios, you've reached the office of the dispatchers.
In Benton County, they are housed in the Benton County Jail. The folks that are behind the scenes but the most important branch of law enforcement. They are the ones that direct the fire department, ambulances, and the police and sheriff's department to any location in the county.
They are the ones that also take their work home with them after the end of a long day. And also the ones that law awake when their shift is done hoping that they said the right thing to the people on the other end of the line.
If you know a dispatcher, tell them a special thank you.
During this week, I just want to take a moment to say a thank you for all that you do for all of us. We might not see you, but we always know that you're there, thank you.
For all of the following people on the end of the line, a heartfelt thank you for being our calm in the midst of our chaos:
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