At last week's council meeting, the mayor made the proclamation of June 17 as Alzheimer's Day. As part of the day people are encouraged to wear and display the color purple in recognition of the day. Mayor Bud Maynard also took a minute to recognize the people that have been affected by the disease and encouraged everyone to participate in the one day event.

Along the same line, Vinton Police Chief said that Officer Schimerowski is working on L.O.S.T. (Loved Ones Safe and Together) a program that will help special needs people and their loved cone. There will be a sign up, opportunity which will give officers necessary information about the individual. Contact information will be collected in case one of these individuals is found in the community. Officer Schimerowski will go live with the project on the city website and the Vinton Police Department Facebook page. Any County residents will be able to sign up for the program.


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