Today was Virginia Holsten's open house to celebrate her service as Vinton's Librarian. For the past 35 years she's done something that I hadn't see in all of my growing up years, she made it fun to go to the library.

I remember the first time I brought all 6 of my kids to the library. I know the trip began with something like this. "Is everyone buckled in? Okay now listen. When we go into the library you HAVE to be quiet! Got it? Whisper and don't be loud." For a mom with 6 kids, taking them somewhere which required quiet was always a challenge. They usually did pretty well, but once in a while, well, things happened. I remember standing in front of the check out counter with kids in tow, and shushing them. Virginia immediately assured me that in her library it was okay if they were a little bit noisy.

Now at that time, I didn't know Virginia at all, but I did know a good lady when I saw one. She had just gone up to the top of my list of librarians with that comment. I knew right then that this was a woman that got it when it came to kids in libraries.

I don't know about you, but going to the library, well it was something we did before computers. When I was a kid we walked in snow 6 feet high...wait, wrong story. Thank you for making my "little" family feel welcome inside your doors, and thanks for welcoming our second generation as well.

Virginia changed our library into a fun place for kids, and adults to hang out. She's always been someone that had a quick laugh about, well, anything that might be happening. Her sense of humor, yes the humor, that's what I liked about having her here.

I'm not sure who was on the board to place her in her position, but kudos to you, you really did choose a great gal.

So Virginia here's wishing you the absolute best in your retirement. May you find all kinds of fun things to do and may retirement treat you with all the blessings in the world.

Janette McMahon will now be the new Librarian and also a joy to visit with. She has had several years of experience as a librarian. First serving in West Liberty for over 20 years and then as an Executive Director for Fremont County, Wyoming for 3 years. Family brought her back to Iowa and she began working in Vinton on May 18th. Janette and her husband have 2 adult children, one in West Liberty and the other in Wisconsin while the couple has settled in Vinton. She said of Virginia, she finds they have a lot in common, "good or bad for the City of Vinton," she added with a chuckle.


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