Retirement, day one finds the Hainstocks hiking!
On February 18, 2009, Mary Jo Hainstock was offered the position of Vinton Shellsburg's Superintendent. At the time, she was interviewed at the time for the position by over 50 people. The interviews included questions by teachers, administrators, parents, students, bus drivers, and community leaders. She said at the time that she was more interested in the position following the interview than she had been going in. She said, "The people here care passionately about the district and are involved in their schools."
Since 2009 Mary Jo and her husband Rich have immersed themselves in Vinton and the activities and people in the area.
Her last official act as Superintendent was to send the Class of 2020 off at graduation following what can only be described as a chaotic final year. She addressed the crowd and gave the usual encouraging words to the students as they left the doors, only choking up once as she thanked her partner in crime, her husband Rich.
In a part of her final letter to the district Mary Jo had the following to say:
"The 2020-21 school year will bring many changes. Personally, it will be the first time since 1969 that I won't participate in the first day of school as a student, teacher, or administrator. During my career in education, I witnessed many changes. Undoubtedly, the changes this spring have been the most dramatic.
It is difficult for me to capture all that Vinton-Shellsburg and the entire school community has meant to me over the last 11 years. When I interviewed 12 years ago, the board president, Todd Wiley, asked me if I would be willing to commit three to five years to the district. My answer was that if V-S wanted me for that long, I was willing to make the same commitment. My how time has flown!
It has truly been my pleasure to serve our school community and especially the students and staff who are our greatest strength. I have worked with about 16 board members and eight administrators; they have all kept our students' best interests in mind even when going through challenging situations.
With the utmost respect for our school district."
Mary Jo and her husband Rich have been a great addition to the community. As Mary Jo prepares to step down I thought it might be kind of fun to ask some fun questions and some serious questions.
Here are the answers that she sent back!
What was the funniest thing that happened when you first arrived in Vinton?
I remember that Rich and I were someplace in the community and the person introduced himself to us and thought Rich was the superintendent.
Who became one of your best listening ears outside of your family?
Fellow superintendents - some of whom are very good friends as well as colleagues.
Which organizations did you join?
Kiwanis and Lions.
What will you miss the most about your job?
I will miss the people - the admin team and directors with whom I interacted on a daily basis as well as the school board members and teacher leaders as well as our community and of course, our students. I will miss working together to solve complex problems and work through challenges. I will miss the sense of accomplishment when our students achieved or performed at high levels. We will miss being a part of public education.
What is something you wish that you would have had time to do?
That's a long list....increasing our enrollment was always a priority and we are still down about 10% from when I started. Lowering our dropout rate continues to be a challenge. Getting a new facility for our transportation department was a priority as was installing some solar power to save on utility costs.
Where is one place that you'd like to travel to?
That is another long list...but I will narrow it to visit a former student from when I was a teacher who is now a principal in Australia. I would enjoy visiting her and her family and learning more about her work in education. I'd also like to take a side trip to New Zealand and another to Tahiti along the way.
What was your favorite memory as a student?
Many memories include my experiences in band, choir and speech as well as out of school experiences in 4-H.
If you had a day off to do nothing at all, what would you do?
Take a walk or two, visit my dad, read, play some cards or maybe the piano. Ask me again in a few months and maybe I'll have had the chance to find out!
What is your favorite past time?
Hiking in the mountains with my family.
What book did you read last?
I've been reading quite a few historical fiction books since this spring. Our central office staff brought in books from home to share during the pandemic while the library and stores were closed. It's been fun to read and share with others who read the same books.
What TV series would you love to binge-watch?
Big Bang Theory.
What is one thing you wish you could tell everyone who works in education?
Take risks and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Sometimes we learn the most when things don't go right and it's good for the students to see us as learners.
Has there been a group of students that have left a good lasting impression on you?
This is another long list...there are students from every class that I've ever been associated with who have made lasting impressions. When I was a little girl, often my mom would run into someone she knew and she'd stop and talk. Afterward, she would explain it was a former student of hers (she'd been a teacher). Fast forward to when I was an adult and she would be out with me and we'd run into someone I'd have to talk to...and I would introduce her to one of my former students or one of their parents.
If you wouldn't have gone into education what would you have pursued?
I'm not sure. Maybe law.
If you had all the ingredients in the kitchen, what meal would you love to prepare?
(the answer, Cook? Me, cook? is acceptable!) I very much enjoy cooking and even baking. It is how I like to relax as well as entertain. Probably something Italian - lasagna, cavatini, or homemade pizza.
Where was your favorite vacation place?
We have hosted many foreign exchange students over the years and we enjoy traveling to see them in their homes.
What accomplishment are you the proudest of as part of the VSCSD?
How we do things together with representation from a variety of stakeholders whether it has to do with school improvement work, updating our facilities, developing our staff handbook, recommending the next year's calendar,etc. we have worked so many people are a part of the work. I'm also proud of how the school is viewed in the community and beyond - we have a good reputation and others want to be a part of our organization.
...and in life? I have always had a passion for serving others. Over the last few years, I've learned I also have a passion for helping others to become leaders. I am proud of the small part I've had in bringing out the best in others and helping them become leaders.
Which school teacher in your childhood made a lasting impression on you and why?
High school band teacher, Roger Becker, as he pushed and pushed me to be better at many things.
I also had a high school math teacher who was outstanding and had quite an impact. Out of 42 in my class, three of us became female secondary math teachers. Unfortunately, he left education our senior year to go into the private sector.
What was the subject that you struggled the most in while you were in school/college?
I have always struggled with English and writing. With math, I could always check my work to see if I had the right answer. I could never do that with writing. My mom and sister were always very good at English and sometimes I will call or text my sister to help me figure something out.
What was your favorite?
I became a math major because I was good at explaining it to others but my favorite was probably all of the areas within social studies.
Tell us a bit about your plans post V-S.
Rich and I taking a gap year. I started teaching when I was 20 and have worked every summer except for the summer our son was born. We are spending several weeks at our son's home in Colorado where we can find hiking trails within walking distance. We will also spend time in Wyoming, Washington and Oregon if it becomes safe to travel. I'm not done serving others...but want to take some time off before deciding what that will entail. I plan to continue my service as part of the VGH Foundation board and other community service opportunities.
Thanks, Mary Jo for all of the time and heart that you put into your position here. It definitely showed in the school district! Wishing you all of the best in your retirement!The incoming School Superintendent is Kyle Koeppen, who has arrived with his family in tow. Here's hoping that your first school year in Vinton, the 2020-21 school year, will be one of the most exciting for you and all of us, in a good way, and not a 2019-2020 sort of way!
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