The total cases of COVID-19 cases have risen by 6 in the last week. Benton County numbers are at 75 since the beginning of the pandemic.

Currently, out of Benton County's 25,645 residents:

2,356 have been tested

2,274 are negative

75 cases total

54 have recovered

20 active cases

1 death

In Region 6 which includes Benton County, there are:

25 Hospitalized

5 in ICU

2 admitted in the last 24 hours

1.08K hospital beds available

139 ICU bed available

166 ventilators available

Currently 0 patients on ventilators

For more numbers and stats, click here.

Updated 11 p.m. 7/12/20


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SL July 13, 2020, 4:21 pm Thank you for publishing the Benton County and our zone statistics. There are a lot of us who see the states website doesn't make it easy to sort our info out. It's a great FYI..