2010 was a very successful year for the Vinton Area Dollars for Scholars. Approximately $7,500 was raised for scholarships that will be awarded to Vinton/Shellsburg high school students. The majority of the money raised came from the sale of refillable mugs for John’s Qwik Stop, 50/50 drawings at the Benton County Speedway, Todd Frank Guitar Jam concessions, Alco Cute Baby contest, and the Holiday Roping project. We would like to thank the community, local businesses, John’s Qwik Stop, Schoonover Tuckpointing, Alco, USA Communications, Vinton/ Shellsburg FFA , Vinton/Shellsburg NHS, Maurice Gardner, and Stan Geiken for their contributions to our fund raising efforts.

To increase awareness of college scholarship and savings, a Penny Wars challenge was held with the 4th graders at Tilford Elementary in May 2010. Wendy Riggle, of Cedar Valley Bank and Trust, challenged students to bring their pennies. Students learned about saving money and $800 was raised. This money is held in a special scholarship account for the Class of 2018.

For the Vinton/Shellsburg Homecoming, Dollars for Scholars raffled a dinner in the press box. Winners were treated to a great dinner in the comfort of the press box during the 2010 Homecoming football game.

Our next event will be a Donkey Ball game to be held at the Vinton/Shellsburg Middle School on April 2, 2011. For further information about this and any of our activities please contact Kelly Elliott at kelliott@fmtcs.com or 319-436-2025.

The Vinton Area Dollars for Scholars board would like to welcome any volunteers that may be interested in helping our organization with their talents or donations.

Submitted by Teresa Meyer, publicity Chair of DFS


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