It's not news that Iowa farmers were hit with a second kick in the shins with the storm 2 weeks ago. The first hit came with COVID and the shut down of processing plants for the farm animals. It is however news when the Governor shows up in her jeans and with her work gloves to help clear tree branches.
Then you another woman shows up, State Representative Ashley Hinson, and this is indeed 2020 when almost anything can and will happen.
That's all fine and good, but then a third woman shows up. Dawn Driscoll, a candidate running to fill the seat which will be vacated by Tim Kapucian. She also brought along her crew of teenagers to pitch in, and you have the makings of history.
The three women, two elected and one hopeful, all arrived on the Grovert family farm. Driscoll and her crew stayed until the job was finished. Of course, Driscoll herself is a farmer and understands the devastation suffered by fellow farmers.
Both Reynolds and Hinson put in a couple hours of hard work on the farm before heading out to other parts of the state.
It gives a whole new meaning to "working for the people!"
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An unbiased newspaper would include examples from both sides of the aisle.
Editor's Note: Sure! It's just a matter of being told or someone sending in the information!