Vinton is getting ready to start some of the Annual events around town. We have Party in the Park coming up next week, which will be a blast, as usual. During that there will be the Pink up the Pace 5 K walk, run to raise funds to help our friends and neighbors with breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Vinton has added a new 2-mile walking trail and people are enjoying that so much as well.
Then we have another of our proudest additions, our Splash Pad. It seems simple enough. Take the kids, let them run through the water and listen for giggles and watch the fun. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to remind parents to parent.
Things that SHOULDN'T have to be said include the following:
1) a Splash Pad is no substitute for a restroom. It's illegal for one thing,
8-5-13: PUBLIC URINATION AND DEFECATION: A. It shall be unlawful for any person to urinate or defecate in or upon any street, alley, public place, or in any place open to public view, provided this subsection shall not apply to restrooms or public facilities designated for such purpose. (Ord. 12-4468, 3-20-2012)and gross for another. There are bathroom facilities available on the grounds.2) Dogs have been running loose through the splash pad and using the playground area for a bathroom. Clean up after your dog. Dogs are to always remain on their leash according to the laws in place for Vinton. They are NOT allowed in the Splash Pad.
City Ordinance 85.03 Running at Large states: "It is unlawful for any owner to allow an animal to run at large within the corporate limits of the city. Animals found at large in violation of this chapter, whether or not they have been vaccinated for rabies, shall be seized and impounded, or at the discretion of the peace officer, the owner may be served a summons to appear before a proper court to answer charges made thereunder."However, children are encouraged to run loose.
3) Clothing is NOT optional. I know, it shouldn't have to be said, but apparently, it does.
4) Do not allow your children to remove the rubber mulch from the playground area. These are in place to prevent serious injury as children tend to fall he having fun.
Let's step it up, folks. We appreciate all that Matt Boggess and the Parks and Recreation are doing in our community. Let's act like it.
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