The Vinton Lions Club's Annual 11th Chili supper raised funds to support Eastern Iowa Honor Flight. EI Honor Flight Board President Dick Bell, Vice President Jason Brandon, Official Photographer Frank Grizel, Mary Seely, Funding Coordinator, and Vinton native Roger Uthoff,

Advisor to the Board were at the Wednesday meeting receiving a check for $8000 from Vinton Lions President Dennis Lasaur and Treasurer Dr. Alan Woodhouse.

The mission of the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight is to provide veterans with a "once in a lifetime" opportunity to visit monuments and memorials built in their honor for the sacrifice and service they made for our freedom. Their goal is to take every veteran who applies. More information on how to apply and testimonials may be found at

Pictured are from left to right: Dennis Lasaur, Lions President, Roger Uthoff Eastern Iowa Honor Flight, Jason Brandon Eastern Iowa Honor Flight Vice President, Mary Seely Eastern Iowa Honor Flight Funding Coordinator, Dick Bell Eastern Iowa Honor Flight President, and Alan Woodhouse Lions Treasurer.



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