While much of Iowa will see changes in its legislative map, the Iowa House District that includes Vinton will be virtually the same. Only the number will change.
Every 10 years, after the U.S. Census, state legislatures are required to redraw their congressional and legislative maps. The congressional map will now include four districts due to faster population growth in other states. The legislative map still includes 50 Senate districts and 100 House Districts.
For the past decade, Vinton has been in Iowa House District 39, which includes all of Benton County and a few townships in northern Iowa County. Under the proposed new map, that district is virtually the same. Only the number has changed. If the Iowa Legislature approves the new map, Vinton will be in House District 75.
Benton County, along with Poweshiek and Iowa County, will make up Senate District 38.
The Iowa Legislature is seeing the map for the first time this week. They can only vote yes or no on the map; they cannot change it.
Benton County's two legislators, State Rep. Dawn Pettengill and State Senator Tim Kapucian, will be affected differently by the new maps. Pettengill's district remains virtually unchanged. But Kapucian's district currently includes Benton, Grundy and Tama Counties, as well as part of Iowa County. The new district replaces Tama and Grundy Counties with Poweshiek County and adds all of Iowa County.
However, both are the only incumbent currently serving in the proposed new districts. Neither would have to face a challenge from an incumbent legislature to continue serving.
For Kapucian, having an even numbered district is also a plus:
"I will be the only incumbent in the new proposed district. Also it will remain an even numbered district so the 2012 election will be good for four years in the Senate. If the number would have been odd, the Senate seat would be up in 2012 and again in 2014," he explained.
For its congressional district, Benton County would move into the area currently represented by Bruce Braley.
Pettengill is very happy with this map, but knows the process for approving it is just beginning.
"I'm very pleased personally with the first map," she said. "However, it is the first one. The public hearings are scheduled and I encourage people to attend and let their voices be heard."
Sen. Kapucian also addressed the process in his comments to Vinton Today.
"As you know this is the first map," said Kapucian. "Whether or not it will be the final map, your guess is as good as mine. We will all be taking a closer look over the weekend and digesting the numbers. Then the commission has to do its’ job with the public hearings; then we get to vote. In the current map 2/3rds of my district would change. I would lose Tama and Grundy counties and Pick up all of Iowa, of which I currently only represent three townships, and all of Poweshiek county. Whatever occurs I enjoy serving the Citizens of Iowa."
Click below to see the links to the proposed maps:
To see a complete schedule including the times and places of the public hearings on the new redistricting maps, click HERE.
I just wanted to send you a quick note with a correction on the proposed US House districts. The new districts would pit Braley and Loebsack against each other in HD1, Latham & King against each other in HD4, leave Boswell unopposed in HD3 and make HD2 an open seat. -JR
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