If you saw an ambulance, fire truck, and miscellaneous police and sheriff's cars at the Vinton-Shellsburg high school this morning, it's okay. There was NOT an emergency! The local emergency services provide a bit of a reality check to area high school students on distracted and drunk driving.
The department brought two cars and simulated a head-on collision, complete with injuries and deaths. Some of the "victims" were not wearing seatbelts and others had to be extracted using the jaws of life.
The departments all responded as if this were a real emergency. A 911 call was placed, and that brought the police, who then called an ambulance and then a fire truck followed. The local medical examiner as well as a funeral home participated in the exercise.
Warning, some of the photos may look graphic, but really, all of these victims walked away...unlike a real accident. The message shared with the students was to be safe. Wear your seatbelt, don't get in a car with anyone that is drunk and driving, don't bring your party in the car and distract the driver.
Blake Hesson presented the program with the help of the following departments. Kudos to the "victim" that had to lay on the cold pavement this morning!
A special thanks to the Vinton Fire Department, Benton County Ambulance, Vinton Police Department, Benton County Sheriff's Department, the Medical Examiner, and to Van Steenhuyse Funeral Home and for the "grieving mother" for participating in this event.
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