The Benton County American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary met on Tuesday evening at the Newhall American Legion. The two organizations met present Benton County seniors with scholarship and merit awards at the Newhall American Legion. 

This is the 58th consecutive year that the legion has been awarding these honors. 

Calling the meeting to order, Derrick Seeck the Benton County Commander opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance and ceremony for the MIA soldier. The preamble to the constitution was also recited and a prayer was offered before the ceremony for the local seniors.

Doug Anderson the Benton County Scholarship Chair welcomed the  family and friends of those being honored. Also present from the scholarship committee were Bob Pickering and Dave Travis. 

Receiving the scholarships this year were: 

McKenna Olson, Norway Post, Benton Community High School

Cameron Keiper, Keystone Post, Benton Community High School

Jacob Bane, Van Horne Post, Benton Community High School

Sydney Rupp, Blairstown Post, Benton Community High School

Brant Ortner, Vinton-Shellsburg Community High School

Olivia Janss, Newhall Post, Benton Community High School

Presenting the American Legion Auxiliary Merit Awards, was the Benton County President Dorla Hilmer. Assisting were the Auxiliary Awards Committee Sharon Koster, Blairstown Unit 170 and Judy Shaeffer, Shellsburg Unit 166. Unable to attend was Vicki Streeter of Vinton Unit 57.)

Receiving the Merit Awards were:

Derek Steffen, Atkins Unit, Benton Community High School

Jacob Bange, Van Horne Unit, Benton Community High School

Cael Kaestner, Keystone Unit, Benton Community High School

Blake Soquet, Blairstown Unit, Vinton-Shellsburg Community High School

Alyssa Griffith, Vinton Unit, Vinton-Shellsburg Community High School


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