The Vinton-Shellsburg Home School Assistance Program students peformed "Jungle Book," based on Rudyard Kipling's work, this past Friday evening and Sunday afternoon in the Tilford auditorium

In "Jungle Book," a young boy, Mowgli, finds himself alone in the jungle, where the animals help to raise him.

The Cast included:

Mowgli - Nathan Franck

Bagheera - Melissa Underwood

Baloo - Tyler Miner

Mama Wolf - Kelsey Franck

Papa Wolf - John Isbell

Wolf #2 - Jared Cunningham

Kaa - Leah Close assisted by Lydia Close

Kite - Alysia Cleppe Jackal - Shirah Philipps

Mama Elephant - Grace Isbell

Sister Elephant - Maggie Isbell

Baby Elephant - Moriah Isbell

Lead Butterfly - Stephanie Wallace

Lead Bird - Michelle Underwood

Queen Monkey - Cali Arbuckle

Monkey #1 - Deryck Cleppe

Monkey #2 - Jared Cunningham

Monkey #3 - Grace Underwood & Macy Arbuckle

Monkey #4 - Nathaniel Philipps & Lydia Close

Massua (Mowgli's human mother) - Maree Bean

Massua's Friend - Abilene Baldwin

Shere Khan - John Isbell

Appearing in Multiple Roles

Cali Arbuckle, Macy Arbuckle, Abilene Baldwin, Emmilee Bean, Maree Bean, Alysia Cleppe, Deryck Cleppe, Leah Close, Lydia Close, Jared Cunningham, Kelsey Franck, Grace Isbell, John Isbell, Maggie Isbell, Moriah Isbell, Sarah Isbell, Nathaniel Philipps, Shirah Philipps, Grace Underwood, and Aalia Wallace

Guest Performers: Nash Arbuckle, Emma Baldwin, & Grant Underwood


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VC May 17, 2011, 12:51 pm Little Mowgli was THE best :) You all did grrrrrreat!
SA May 17, 2011, 5:58 pm The play was delightful and very well done. I enjoyed it very much. Great job, everyone!