Notice of Benton County EMS Levy Public Measure

The following countywide public measure will be on the ballot during the General Election on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

Pursuant to Iowa Code Section 422D.3(a) notice of the question shall be provided at least 60 days prior to the election.

The question will appear on the ballot as follows:

"Shall the Benton County Board of Supervisors be authorized to impose an ad valorem property tax for the purposes of creation and maintenance of a stable revenue stream for its essential community EMS services, in the amount of .68 (68 cents) per $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars) of assessed value on all taxable property within the county to be used for funding of emergency medical services for a maximum period of 15 years?


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CB August 22, 2023, 12:17 pm We need the EMS, but.68 per 1000 is too high, seems like .10 or .12 would be more appropriate, we are getting taxed to death in Vinton already, not sure what the total values are in Vinton, but it has to be in the millions, and will it be spread to all homes and farms?? hmmmm
LF August 25, 2023, 10:51 am Seems we will lose control of spending with the word "creation", we won't know what's being created. Let the Supervisors vote specifically on everything and we'll read it in the meeting reports. Loel Fink
MN October 19, 2023, 11:56 pm Someone please help me understand this. If I need to call an ambulance, I or my insurance company will be billed for that ride. Now they are asking for a tax to be placed on us to help support them. Does that mean then that if I need an ambulance, I won't be billed for it since I am already helping to fund them?
Maybe I am wrong here but I assume that they charge quite a bit for the use of the ambulance, but they are running in the "Red"? If these assumptions are all correct, (which they may not be...that is why I am asking) it seems to me like maybe there is a mismanagement of funds within the Benton County EMS?