After the loss of her son three-year-old Easton, Samantha Lindeman decided that each year, on Easton's birthday, the family would do something to honor him. The family has collected donations and made a delivery to the 11th floor of the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. Bringing with them all kinds of gifts for the children there.

Easton had been treated at the hospital for High-Risk Neuroblastoma, a form of cancer that attacks the adrenal glands, spinal column, and bone marrow. Little Easton fought as hard as he could but lost his battle.

Knowing the struggles that families face when they have a child in the hospital, Easton's family wanted to do something to help. They came up with a plan to bring smiles to the children. What better way to do that than to bring toys to the children being treated? This year with the help of those in the community, the family collected $4,182 in donations toward the project.

With all of the toys, the family required two vehicles to carry them. The gifts were delivered to the same floor where Easton was treated. Easton's family brought smiles to the children who are now fighting to recover.

Before pulling out of town, Easton's grandpa Doug was also on hand to help the family load the toys for the trip. This year making the trip were Easton's dad Corey and his mom, big brother Hunter, aunt Madison Wilson and a new little gal/ Also making her first trip was Charli. Easton now has a little sister. Snuggled into her car seat and ready for her first trek to deliver the toys, she will grow up learn all about her big brother through those who loved him and cherish his memory through this effort.

Be sure to watch next July/August for the fundraising effort to bring smiles again to children on the 11th floor of the Children's Hospital.


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