Over the course of several weeks Vinton's east water tower has received a good cleaning both inside and our and a fresh coat of paint. Gone is the old sight with just the name "Vinton" on the tower.

Now the tower has been entered into a contest for the best "tank."

Here's what their website says, "Since 2006, Tnemec has celebrated the innovative and creative uses of our coatings on water tanks with an annual Tank of the Year contest. Each year, tanks of all varieties from across the U.S. and Canada are nominated for this coveted award.

During this two-week period, the community is given the opportunity to vote for their favorite tank: the People's Choice. A Tnemec committee of water tank enthusiasts then chooses 11 other finalists and considers them along with the People's Choice to decide the official Tank of the Year."

Obviously we are short by 13 days of our two weeks to vote on this, but hey, we have enough readers here to put us over the top easily!

Click this link, and vote for Vinton!

Oh and as they'd say, "tanks!"

Tank of the Year 2023 - Tank of the Year


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