Salvation Army - Active In Serving Benton County

Our local Salvation Army team at times work along side Benton County Social Services, HACAP, Rural Access, Foundation 2, Police, and Sheriffs Dept, and Dispatch to resolve an unfortunate situations, or at least make them better.

Here are some of the activities this last year.

Firstly, Pastor Brian Reeves, a member of the local Unit, received his full credentials for becoming a Salvation Army Chaplain in October this year. Reeves stated, "This is not just a piece of paper to me. I hope to have an opportunity to deploy stateside in the next 6 months or so. That will open up opportunities for me down the road." Congratulations!!

* Ran the Salvation Army canteen in 2 parades- Vinton's Party in the Park and Atkins Watermelon Days

* Had the canteen at the Farmer's Market in August

* In August, were asked to feed the First Responders at a rural hay bale fire. We had hamburgers, hydration, snacks, etc.

* Handed out 36 children's backpacks to area elementary schools

* 2 teams from Benton County continue to assist Cedar Rapids Corp with Saturday morning Mobile Feeding Program to area homeless shelters

* Some of the situations we encounter during the year are: helping a stranded woman get back to her home in a nearby state, helping pay a utility bill for a man whose hours were being cut by a large area employer, helping a person just released from prison to have clothes for their first job interview and helping a woman pay a bill needed to restart a new living situation after a domestic violence episode

* We were on site to help local First Responders with food, snacks and hydration during a long, rural fire call in August.

* Last fiscal year, the local Salvation Army assisted almost 100 area families, (including 145 adults, 109 children) when they called for help with a utility bill or need of rent money. Other needs included, car repair, medical bill, gasoline, emergency lodging, etc.

In September of this year, 5 members attended 3 days of training in the Omaha area for classes on such things as Liaison, Public Information Officer, ServSafe for food handlers, Emotional and Spiritual Care, etc.

The local Service Extension Unit would like to gain more volunteers. Call 319-329-7119 to see how you can do the most good!!


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