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The Lowell Milken Center (LMC) for Unsung Heroes in Fort Scott, Kansas, an international educational non-profit, has awarded its prestigious Fellowship to Kelly Steffen, a social studies teacher at Vinton-Shellsburg High in Iowa. Kelly will arrive in Fort Scott on June 23rd for a week of collaboration with LMC staff and the other members of the Fellowship.

The LMC Fellowship is a merit-based award for educators of all disciplines who value the importance of teaching respect and understanding through project-based learning. The Center selects exemplary teachers from the United States and around the world who will collaborate on projects that discover, develop, and communicate the stories of Unsung Heroes in history.

Kelly Steffen, a 2019 Gilder Lehrman Iowa History Teacher of the Year, is a high school social studies teacher in Vinton, IA. She is a master at engaging her students through relevance and the use of primary sources, encouraging students to draw their conclusions about history's impact on their lives. Kelly hopes students learn that history can help them as citizens to make informed decisions in today's world. This summer, Kelly will also attend the NEH Heart Mountain Seminar to learn more about the effects of Japanese Internment/Incarceration, another powerful resource for her students.

Kelly believes in promoting opportunities that allow students to interact with the public. The Cold War Museum she and her students host invites community members and administration to observe student work. Local veterans are also invited to speak about their experiences with 20th-century conflicts or other historical events. Kelly's students are also encouraged to use tools to analyze history, which helps them analyze current politics and look at different perspectives.

LMC Executive Director Norm Conard says, "Kelly's students are well-versed in the vision of our country's founders. She emphasizes the use of primary sources for her students' hands-on projects that focus on the people who shaped our nation. Our 2024 Fellows will be able to use her insight to help their students develop informative Unsung Hero projects."

While in Fort Scott, LMC Fellows gain knowledge, educational resources, and support in helping students cultivate a passion for learning by creating projects that initiate positive change. Fellows will be equipped to develop Unsung Heroes projects with their students, applying and evaluating the stories of these role models who have changed the world throughout history. 


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KT June 19, 2024, 6:37 pm Congratulations Kelly!!! Well deserved and another honor to add to being a super dedicated teacher here in Vinton-Shellsburg schools.
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