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On a rainy Wednesday evening, following the FFA Awards night in the Grandstands, the new Benton County royalty and her court were named. Two candidates for the title of 2024 Benton County Fair Queen had submitted their names as competitors for the race, Grayce McClintock and Olivia Hanson. Both ladies are 2024 high school graduates and are making plans to attend college in the fall. For both candidates, involvement in both 4-H and FFA has been a large part of their lives.

The decision had to be made between the two candidates of who would be wearing the crown as the reigning Benton County Fair Queen for 2024.

The winner was chosen, Olivia Hanson. She was crowned by last year's reigning Benton County Queen, Izzie Birker. Grayce McClintock will serve as the 2024 Benton County Fair Princess.

Congratulations Olivia and Grayce!

Photos courtesy of Angie Becker.


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