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Each Summer the Iowa County Recorders Association meets for continuing education in one of the State's six Districts, and last week Okoboji was the meeting destination.

As elected officials, the Recorders have a formal Certification Program which offers learning sessions that broadly impact their professional role in the County. Courses are focused on Leadership & Ethics, Open Meetings & Open Records Laws, Communication, Human Resources & Office Management, Iowa Code, Tech Applications, and Local Government/Budgeting. The two-year program will culminate with a Graduation ceremony at the Iowa State Association of Counties Annual Conference in August. This year's Summer meeting provided a variety of learning opportunities, as well as long-term planning and team building.

The Iowa County Recorder's Association often refers to itself as "a family" because the relationships formed throughout the State are more than just professional, they are based on genuine caring for the members individually. In the last year, cancer has been a focus of additional concern, so as District 3 (made up of 17 NW Iowa Counties) planned this event it was decided to provide an opportunity to do good work beyond the "Good Deeds" we consistently do in our offices via real estate filings.

The Pink Tractor Foundation provided support to members of our association facing cancer battles in recent years and so it was chosen as our focus for philanthropy. All ICRA members were invited to contribute by purchasing ICRA & PTF pink shirts, making cash donations and bidding in an Iowa State - Iowa silent auction.

Thanks to many generous personal gifts, the Iowa County Recorder's Association will be making a contribution of just over $1500 to the Pink Tractor Foundation!

Pictured above are the ICRA members (See if you can find the Benton County Recorder Lexa Speidel, really she's in there near the top!) at the Bridges Bay Resort visibly in support of the Pink Tractor Foundation!


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