On the agenda for discuss and approval were Benton County Handbook changes in sections: 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5.

Vacation time for Benton County employees has been a topic of discussion for more than a year. According to current terms laid out in the Benton County Employee Handbook in Section 4.2, employee vacation should be as follows:

1 year - 10 days

8 years - 15 days

17 years - 20 days

Recently a long time employee, brought to the attention of the Board of Supervisors that they had been there for 39 years and is still allowed only four weeks of vacation.

At the same time the newly hired Human Resources Director was granted four weeks during her first year of hire, and five for her second year. It appears to be unfair to those who have served for decades. Granting five weeks of vacation would balance this out for those who have been with the county for decades

Sue Wilber, HR Director presented to the Board of Supervisors.

Proposed changes for vacation time would look something like this:

Upon hire, 5 days.

6 months, 5 more day

5 years, 15 days

Years 6-9 an additional day

10 years 20 days

11-14 years an additional day

15 years 25 days, which is the maximum

The question was asked by David Upah candidate for Benton County Sheriff why others had to wait 15 years to get five weeks of vacation when the precedent had been set to grant 5 weeks upon hire. Sue Wilber of HR was granted four weeks for her first year and five weeks for her second year. "Why are you better than we are?" he asked. She said that she wasn't. Upah continued to scold the supervisors for being unable to say, "no" which is costing taxpayers more money and no one seems to know why.

Wilber said, "I think we did kick that around a little bit. I think there's been six or seven people..." Upah interrupted, "Sue, you got five weeks when you started. Why should everyone else have to wait 15 years? Why are you better than anyone else?"

Wilber's experience was cited as the reason for the huge amount of vacation time for a first year employee. Wilber explained that there have been six or seven who have gone outside the handbook. "That's wrong," Upah pointed out. Wilber continued, "I think it has to do with the experience that they bring. In talking to those staff members they would not have taken the position if we hadn't adjusted that so then we'd be without a county attorney, without an IT person..."

"We're struggling to hire deputies I know exactly what you're talking about. We can't get anyone to apply, so why don't we do some of this? You're not alone in this. Everyone is having trouble finding good people." Upah continued.

Shelby Williams of Benton County Conservation defended Wilber by saying that when the county hires someone with experience we save on their training and that you can negotiate that. She said the cost would be astronomical and that the problem is situational.

Doug Cook suggested that the county go with a sign on bonus then start everyone equally which would avoid the anonymousity and reward the experience that way, adding, "You've created your own mess."

Rick Primmer, County Supervisor added that the sheriff has a sign on bonus.

FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)

Wilber explained that if an employee meets requirements for time off, that does not mean that the 12 weeks are paid by the county. It just means that the employee can take that much time off. It may be that it's taken of unpaid to the employee if there is nothing saved up to cover the 12 weeks.

Parental Leave

Parental Leave is seen in the private sector and not the government sector. This was added and would give three weeks of paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child.

Sick Leave

In the Handbook the word "spouse" is changed to "domestic partner."

The amount of three days maximum time off for a sick child, parent, spouse was taken out.

If you have sick leave banked when you retire, the balance would be based on an hourly rate for hours accumulated into a sort of retirement health savings account. The employee would be charged $1 monthly, and the account also collects interest. The money can be used for any health-related issues or purchase of medication or medical supplies.

Donated Leave

You can donate personal, vacation or sick days for this (up to 20 days) employees can now donate as much as they want.

Cap on the recipient was formerly 120 days, but now can receive more if the department head agrees understanding each department has different requirements.

Funeral/Bereavement Leave

Definition is extended to every qualified relative up to five days. If you are a pallbearer or part of the service you are granted another day off and verification is provided to the Department Head.


Sheriff Ron Tippett spoke concerning his budget. He has fill-time, patrol, communications, corrections, admin office and not counting himself, he has two salaried people. In the coming year, three employees will not be affected.

The changes would affect 134 days, 1,104 hours in patrol, to a total of (worst case scenario paying overtime) $19,386. In communications they can run a dispatcher short. Corrections cannot run short. Total cost in that department is $20,598.48 with a total of $39,984 an addition amount for the newly created time off. He said that it works in the budget.

Tippett explained that when it came up the county was 11 days into the new budget. He believes the better hiring package offered is a better deal for everyone. Contracts were just signed for three years, and he doesn't seem to think there would be an issue and there would probably be a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) brought to the county for agreement because the county is offering something for nothing to the workers.

It was believed that Secondary Roads would be able to handle the increases. Bruce Volz expressed concern with renegotiating a union contract for the Sheriff's Department and Secondary Roads after a contract has already been negotiated. Wilber said that she had comments on that issue and tabling it until it was clear if all the departments could participate. Primmer said that they always try to treat everyone equal.

The new rules were approved to go into effect beginning January 1, 2025.


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MR July 31, 2024, 1:24 pm If Sue was given the 5 weeks vacation because of all her experience and saving money on training for a HR person. Is the County really saving any money when they had to hire an assistant for her??????
RR July 31, 2024, 9:36 pm I think anyone that has worked over 30 years should get more vacation than the HR. If she is getting 5 weeks vacation at two years does she get more vacation added every year? She should not be getting more vacation than long term employees no matter how much experience she has. She definitely has not saved the county any money.
MR July 31, 2024, 11:17 pm Is Sue saying that she told the hiring committee she would only accept the HR position if she got 4 weeks vacation and another week after a year? Who was on the hiring committee? Who determined Sue's vacation time? Were there other applicants? How much experience does Sue have? She hasn’t been at a job over 2 years. Who verified Sue’s references? How many lawsuits has Sue been involved with?