Haunted houses, gobs of candy, costumes, and parties. Halloween, with its fun and spooky traditions is in full swing, and no celebration playlist is complete without "The Monster Mash." This classic 1962 Bobby "Boris" Pickett tune features Frankenstein and his ghouls and zombies grooving to the graveyard smash.
The same adrenalin pump and communal spirit that brings us together to kick up our heels can contribute to the aggressive driving behavior of tailgating. According to AAA, too much togetherness on the road, whether an interstate convoy or rushing little goblins across town on Beggar's Night, is unsafe and could cause a monster crash.
Tips to avoid tailgating
When we're late to our destination or driving distracted, it's easy to creep up behind a vehicle leading to rear-end collisions. Use these tips to avoid tailgating others, and to drive defensively when followed too closely:
- Maintain safe following distances:Use the three to four-second rule to provide adequate time to brake. Double the distance in bad weather conditions.
- Hold safe, legal speeds:Tailgaters often intimidate drivers to speed up, so send the message you'll only drive the speed limit.
- Easy on the brakes:Gradually slow down to let a tailgater pass or signal your intentions to change lanes when safe.
Let "The Monster Mash" top a playlist - not a crash report. Here's the original hit and a modern remix.
In 2024 in Iowa, 292 people have been killed in traffic crashes. That's an increase of 13 since last Friday. In Iowa in 2023, there were 377 traffic-related deaths. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at https://www.iowadot.gov/mvd/stats/daily.pdf
Posted by Iowa DOT at 08:39:24 AM in For employees, Roadside Chat, Traffic Incident Management, What Drives You Iowa
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