"Grease is the time, is the place, is the motion…it's got groove, it's got meaning." These Frankie Valli lyrics from the 70s hit movie "Grease" lend inspiration for today's Roadside Chat reminding us that deer are in motion…they've got hooves and they've got meaning.

Deer have given significant meaning to today's date - November 8. What may seem like an average autumn day is statistically Iowa's most dangerous traffic safety day for drivers and wildlife. When the month of November collides with the eighth day, Iowa DOT crash data shows that it ranks as the No. 1 date for animal crashes in our state over the past decade. Equally important to know, the top 10 dates of animal crashes occur within the first half of the month.

ANIMAL CRASHES 2014-2023RANKDATECOUNT111/08718211/07710311/10699411/05693511/06684611/09659711/14654811/04647911/126311011/03619Data Source: Iowa DOT Traffic Safety

November is certainly the time and the place when wildlife - particularly deer - are hot to trot because it's the peak of deer mating season or "rut." Bucks are intent on pursuing female does in heat. This laser focus leads to dramatic changes in their behavior as they exhibit unpredictable movements and often travel long distances in search of mates. Females are also more likely to roam when participating in the chase.

As a result, deer are more frequently crossing roadways with little regard for traffic, increasing the likelihood of encounters with vehicles. Factors such as the loss of their habitat with harvest, and the decrease in daylight hours pushing their movement patterns into dusk and dawn - times when visibility is already compromised for drivers - all contribute to our responsibility to be on high alert this time of year.

Use these 8 Tips For Avoiding Deer-Vehicle Collisions, and buck the trend so you can enjoy a November remembered for gratitude, turkey, and football instead of deer strikes.


In 2024 in Iowa, 295 people have been killed in traffic crashes. That's an increase of one since last Friday. In Iowa in 2023, there were 377 traffic-related deaths. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at https://www.iowadot.gov/mvd/stats/daily.pdf


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