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Virginia Gay Hospital (VGH) proudly announces that Lisa Rule, Trauma Coordinator, has been elected to the Iowa Trauma Coordinators Board for the Iowa Hospital Association. Lisa will serve as the representative for District B, advocating for the needs of Virginia Gay Hospital and other rural healthcare providers at the state level.

In her new role, Lisa will collaborate with trauma coordinators from across Iowa to advance the state's trauma system, focusing on improving access and outcomes in rural communities. Her election underscores her dedication to enhancing trauma care and reflects the quality of healthcare leadership present at Virginia Gay Hospital.

"I'm honored to represent Virginia Gay Hospital and District B on the Iowa Trauma Coordinators Board," said Lisa. "Working alongside colleagues from across the state, I look forward to making meaningful contributions to Iowa's trauma system, particularly in addressing the unique challenges faced by rural communities."

Virginia Gay Hospital is committed to delivering high-quality healthcare to the communities it serves, and Lisa's election highlights its ongoing efforts to promote excellence in trauma care.


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