Pictured is not the girl mentioned in the story-this family left before the writer realized they should have captured a photo. However, pictured are two other children who love the tradition of giving into the Red Kettle at Christmas time.
1st picture- Mya Good gives to the Red Kettle Campaign
2nd picture- Everly Trachta and her mom Nicole pause to bless those in need this season.---

I was ringing the bell for th Salvation Army on Saturday. A couple and their likely three-year- old daughter came up to the Red Kettle. The young girl got closer and put in a neatly folded dollar bill, obviously prepared by her parents for her.

The parents consented to their daughter getting a sucker. She chose her favorite flavor. She wore such happiness on her face because she got to "do her job!"

A while later that same little girl came bounding out of the store, parents trailing far behind, and she gleefully exclaims, "I have some REAL MONEY this time!" She then proceeded to reach up high and put in the Red Kettle all of the coins in her hands. As she then scampers off, her parents, I and another customer chuckle about her comment.

To that little girl, the dollar bill was not the best gift. It was just "Okay." But when she had a second chance to give, she was generous and gave all she had of the coins. To her, the coins were the "good stuff," the "real money."

A Christmas Lesson-- If you think you have an unfit gift, a just "Okay" gift... Or perhaps you see yourself as not the best, just "Okay." Give of what you can and do it with joy. And if it happens that you can give again and have "the good stuff, the real money," this time (according to someone's perspective that is), give again, with joy.

And remember, Jesus is the "Reason for the Season." It;s an old saying, but that does not make it untrue. He gave the best, the highest and the most costly gift, His life, Himself. He gave His all with Joy. And He never changes.


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