Benton County Emergency Management Director Scott Hansen is pleased to announce the appointment of Drake Tilson as Ground Support Liaison for the Logistics Section of the Benton County Emergency Operations Center. Hansen selected Tilson as the Ground Support Liaison in light of Tilson’s superior performance, attention to detail and ability to adapt to an ever changing operational environment during his volunteer service during the aftermath of a severe thunderstorm which passed through Benton County on July 11. “Tilson is an asset to the Emergency Management Agency and the community. Any mission he is given is completed correctly, swiftly and without question.” said Logistics Chief Jason White. Representative Dawn Pettengill added “Tilson has been invaluable to our efforts to service the people who have had damage. If he could only drive (he is not quite old enough to have is license), man what that kid could do.” Tilson, a sophomore at Vinton-Shellsburg High School, is also a Naval Sea Cadet and a varsity member of the Vinton-Shellsburg Trap Team.


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