The graduating class of 1981 returned to Vinton to share memories and have a few laughs together as they remembered the good times they shared.

In 1981, the senior class was housed in the old Washington High School...nothing at all like the new high school building.

As Mary Beth Boyles Kirk said, " It was a great success and so fun! This was the first I attended but it won't be the last!"

"The Friday night gathering held at the Ron-Da-Voo, was a night to see our friends from school, laugh about old times, and take a step back in time for an evening. It was great to see a group of people that shared many years together be able to pick up right where we left off 30 years ago and spend the night catching up on families, relationships, and our current lives. The time flew that evening and before I knew it, was back on my Harley heading home again with some new memories to cherish and share with my friends and family at home about our wonderful Class of '81! said Debbi Corlew.

The weekend reunion ended Saturday evening with dinner at the country club.

Click to view an old news clipping of the class of '81

Thanks to Susan Hansen, Debbi Corlew and Mary Beth Kirk!


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AW August 11, 2011, 3:27 pm I sure wish someone from this class who was in my 3rd grade class would scan and email a copy of the class composite picture from 3rd grade to me.
SM August 12, 2011, 1:55 pm Black and white.... I\'m sure... That was a long time ago!!