The young couple had never been to boomtown before. But as they stood near the railing at the botton of the grandstands at the Benton County Fairgrounds, they made it clear they intend to return.

"We are definitely coming back here next year," said he.

"I don't care if I see any other fireworks show all year as long as I can see this one," said she.

Everything about the fifth annual Boomtown was bigger and better. More participants from the IPA, which grows in numbers each year. More home-made shells. And a much bigger grand finale.

All of this left the audience standing and cheering loudly.

It's too soon to tell if Boomtown 2012 will take place in August as it did this year, or in September. Local organizers as well as IPA members liked August; the crowd seemed much larger at Boomfest in its second year in downtown Vinton. The IPA members, however, have another large event, the PGI International convention, the second weekend of August in 2012. They will decide later whether to hold Boomtown in August or September of next year.

This year, the weather was perfect, unlike last year, when heavy rains threatened the show and created very muddy, inconvenient conditions for those setting up the displays.

This year, however, the weather was as good as it could be. No rain, moderate temperatures, a light breeze.


Click here to see all the preliminary introductions to Boomtown, including thanks and recognition...


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c August 29, 2011, 1:14 pm Boomtown was great --if you could wait an hour for the real show to start. The one-at-a-time individually announced fireworks are BORING! I understand why they do it, but can we shorten it up a bit? 10:00 was too late for the real show to start. It\'s a great event, but if that was your first time there, it would not have been a good first impression. I have talked to many that left, saying \'THAT was Boomtown??\'. They hadn\'t bothered to wait for the real show.
B August 29, 2011, 9:20 pm If they left then they were not paying attention, because numerous times it was mentioned that the main show would follow exhibition. The IPA is a builder oriented club that decided to move their fall picnic into Vinton for everyone to enjoy!! We can always move it back to where it used to be if it stops being an IPA event because that\'s what it is first and foremost!!!!!!!!!!
J August 29, 2011, 10:11 pm If you understand why it is there then you will understand that it will not go away and for the IPA IT IS not BORING.
TP(n August 29, 2011, 10:18 pm Mr. or Ms. Cj - There\'s many reasons for doing it the way we do. What Boomtown started out to be five years ago was an extension of our IPA Fall meeting and club shoot. It\'s still a way for our hobbyist builders to exhibit their talents. The first year or so, lots of folks did as you describe and left early. Not near as many do so now. Most that attend now, in the grandstand area and not outside, know what to expect. The rest that don\'t? They will learn. And, the main show started at 9:40, not at 10:00.

I\'m grateful for our loyal crowd. They were cheering as much for the last home-built entry as they did the first. Thank you all for your support.

Some safety concerns popped up this year that slowed things at bit. We do it safely so that everyone is safe. Some years goes better than others. Yes, there\'s always a way to make it better, and we\'ll try, but we will never compromise on safety for everyone.

Mrs. P and I have been to Spain three times for their fireworks. They shoot them the last night at 2:00 AM. One million people are there watching, children and all.

Ed says: Thanks Tom for explaining how it works, and that yes, there is indeed reason for pauses, #1 being safety! :)
K August 30, 2011, 1:34 pm Sad that someone could make such a narrow minded comment. Boonmtown was and is an amazing event that captivates the spectacular time and effort put in to pyrotechnics. Why would you want them to shorten up the time at the beginning that is used also as a testing phase. If they shorten that up and just put the product into the show as you could see there are some shells that went off rather low. They need to use that time to test and display product to help ensure the safety of themselves and you the spectator. They wouldn\'t want anyone to get hurt and have any chance of running to a lawyer and be sue happy and give them any reason to shut down or cancel Boomtown. All anyone should be after is wanting to make it bigger and better each year! Wonderful show to all of those involved no matter how \"small\" your job was everyone makes a difference in the show running so smoothly!
KN August 30, 2011, 2:39 pm and one last thing ....To say that they started too late...really! Have you been to a 4th of July display in the state of Iowa? Most have the first shell go off at 10:20!
MK August 30, 2011, 2:49 pm The homemade firworks by the Pyros were beautiful--and as for the Jr ones, we need to keep the younger people interested in this so we can always have the beautiful fireworks, if they don\'t learn how and keep it safe we will all suffer. Granted maybe there was time between the display but that was when you could talk to friends and family or eat. It was a great night and thanks to all the Pyros for your time and talent. I for one thoroughly enjoyed the whole evening and will be there again and again. Congrats to Randy K. for his beautiful display. Way to go!
JDI August 30, 2011, 11:36 pm As a builder of pyro for many years I appreciate the chance to display my creations to spectators and family who attend Boomtown each year. Many of us appreciate a slower paced firing of the homemade shells because it gives us a chance to view them and make mental notes of our own shells before the next shell effect overlaps it or blocks it out. This gives us the chance to go back and build even better shells. This part of the show (called a demo on the advertisement flyer) was never intended by definition to be fast paced and as the IPA publications editor I know that I have published newspaper articles to explain this slower paced pre-show to spectators so they better understand how the night will progress and aren\'t caught by surprise. Considering some of these homemade shells take several weeks to build and years to perfect, I feel sorry for people whose lives are so busy that they can\'t slow down and sacrifice a couple of hours to relax and enjoy a beautiful night.