Residents of the Vinton area will join with thousands of other Iowans in a one-kilometer "Start Somewhere" Walk at 12 noon on Friday, October 7. Local walkers will begin walking at 12 Noon and will choose a route that will allow them to walk for 12 minutes and finish at the Benton County Courthouse. Once you arrive at the Courthouse, refreshments will be provided by Fareway. The Vinton Fire Department has agreed to bring their extension ladder truck to take a picture of everyone who shows up from 110 feet in the air!

Statewide, coordinators hope to set a new world record for the number of people walking one kilometer simultaneously in an organized event. A kilometer is about 7.5 city blocks and a 12-minute stroll for the average walker. Walkers can sign up for the event

"The Start Somewhere Walk" is the kick-off of the five-year Healthiest State Initiative. By itself, a one-kilometer walk is not enough to change the health of the state, of course. But it's a symbolic first step on our path to becoming the healthiest state."

In early August, Governor Terry Branstad announced the plan to make Iowathe healthiest state in the nation within five years as measured by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index®. In 2010, Iowa ranked 19th compared to all other states.

"This Healthiest State Initiative will assist Iowans in learning about and applying proven methods to live longer, happier, and healthier lives," Branstad said. "We control more than 70 percent of the factors that influence our health. It is within our power to make a positive difference in our lives." Branstad also noted that addressing comprehensive lifestyle changes could allow the State to redirect as much as $16 billion over the next five years to grow the state economy [versus being consumed by health care ($11 billion) and lost productivity ($5 billion)]. The success of this initiative is critical to the economic viability of the State and translates to a healthier Iowaand better quality of life for all its residents.

The Healthiest State Initiative is a privately led, public effort that will engage Iowans and their communities throughout the state. It will involve individuals, families, businesses, faith-based organizations, not-for-profits and the public sector in a broad-based community-focused effort. For more information, visit


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