Found cat in Vinton, please call the shelter at (319-472-4623) or email to find out how to reclaim. Thank you!


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DC November 4, 2011, 11:21 am The owner saw Pumpkin\'s picture and identified him. Thank you Vinton Today crew for offering this service to the animal shelter to help in reuniting pets and their owners.
-Glad we could help! AWESOME!!!
A November 4, 2011, 1:49 pm So glad he made it back to his family! We enjoyed his company, but our own cat was somewhat put out.
J November 5, 2011, 7:27 am Thank you to Pumpkins\' rescuer, to the Vinton Animal Shelter and to Vinton Today!
Pumpkin is thrilled to be home again after 30+ days of being AWOL and we are thrilled to have him back. We want to thank each of you so much for doing the right thing. Punkin appreciates it too :)