Due to a change in the Iowa Administrative Code effective April 1, 2010, “food service establishments can serve or sell morel mushrooms [only] if procured from an individual who has completed a morel mushroom expert identification course.” Since 2008, only individuals who were certified mushroom experts could sell or serve morel mushrooms. This change allows any Iowan to complete a short, inexpensive course and sell or serve morel mushrooms to food establishments. (481 IAC 31.1(12) amending the 2005 FDA Food Sect. 3-201.16) To meet the need for this training, IowaStateUniversity is offering a 3-hour certification training on identifying morels and false morels. The workshop will be conducted by Dr. Mark Gleason, ISU Department of Plant Pathology. There are two opportunities to take this workshop: 1) Monday, May 3: Flamingo Restaurant, 1211 Ellis Blvd., Cedar Rapids · TIME: 10 am to 1 pm. 2) Wednesday, May 5: Room 205, Bessey Hall, Iowa State University · Parking: ISU lots 41 and 68 (see ISU parking lot map at: http://www.fpm.iastate.edu/maps/default.asp?xcenter=1411&ycenter=1697&zoom=2&layer=parking). Permits will be issued. · TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm. WORKSHOP AGENDA: · Pre-training identification test · PowerPoint presentation on recognizing morels and false morels · Examination of fresh specimens of morels and false morels · Post-training identification test (and re-testing as needed) · Presentation/signing of wall-size and wallet-size training certificates MORE DETAILS:
- Fee for the course is $45, payable at the training.
- Checks should be made out to ISU. Receipts will be available.
- Pre-registration is not required.
- However, those who plan to attend should send an email to Mark Gleason at least one day before the training, so we can plan space and materials in the training venues accordingly.
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