...but every year we try to say it again....Thanks for serving! [VIDEO]

Below is a list of area Vinton veterans, if you see a Veteran this week, thank them again, do something nice for a Veteran.

If they in line behind you at the store, pay a little on their tab, if you see one behind you at the restaurant, put them on your tab. Find a way to thank them!

Benham Adams, Dan Adams, James Adams, Joshua Adrian, Roger Albert, Lowell Albright, Ronald Albright, Dale Alpers, C. Anderson, Howard Anderson, John Anderson, Paul Anderson, Scott Anderson, James Anderson, Craig Arras , Dennis Ary, Steve Ary, Lyle Aschenbrenner, David Auestad.

Jeff Bahr, Mike Baker, Luke Baldridge. Robert Baldridge. John Bantz, Eugene Barnes, Vernon Bascom, Dick Bashore, Francis Bawden, Richard Bear, Earl Bearbower, Toni Bearbower, Kirk Beason, Charles Beatty, Roger Beau, Francis Beggs, Anthony Behounek, Bradley Benfer, William Benson, Dennis Bergen, Phillip Bergen, Richard Bergen, John Berry, Marshall Berry, Donald Bistline, Jerry Blank, Joseph blank, Vincent Blank, Lori Blank, Karl Blumer, William Bobzien, Steven Boddicker, William Bolin, Forrest Bolte, Lyle Bolton, Gordon Bowen, Yvette Bowen, William f. Bower, Donald bray, Richard Bridge, Toby Brown, J. Brunssen, Kent Buckingham, Danny burgess, H. Burkhart, Jeff Bush, Otto Bush, Robert Bush, Harold Byrant (WW II).

Roger Calvert, Christopher Cantrell, Harold Cassens, Robert Cherveny, Larry Christanson, Gary Christianson, Robert H. Christy, Bill Clark, Ryan Clemens, Kathryn Close, Ross Coder, Robert Condry, Arthur Corbet, O. Corbett, Wilber Corcran, Steven Cory, Russell Cottrell, Charles Cox, Shane Cox, Paul Coyle, Olaf Craft, Clark Crisman, Eugene Crisman, Jack Cromer, James Cromer, Darrell Cushman.

Robert Dahl, Willis Dake, Burton Davis, David Davis, Gene Davis, Lee Demoss, Charles Denison, James Deppe, Eugene Grant Dick (USN), Gregory Eugene Dick (USN retired), Donald Dill, Garland Dixon, Randall Dorf, Ned Douglas, Marvin Drenter, Larry Driscol, Dennis Duello, Charles Dulin, Marion Dulin, Richard Duncalf.

Joseph Earle, James Eastwood, Carl Edmonds, Paul Egge, Floyd Ellson, Bruce Erickson, Bill Ervin, Harold Evans.

Damian Fairbanks, Glenn D. Fee, Terry W. Fee, Wayne R. Fee, Donald Fennern, Ronald Ferguson, Larry Fett, Ronald Fiebelkorn, Eugene Finley, Bennett Fischer, Robert Fisher, Jerry Fitzgerald, P. Fix, Harold Flickinger, Ronald Flickinger, Dale Fowler, Joe Fowler, Lyle Fowler, Carl Fraeser, Gary Frame, Cletus Friedman, Brian Frisbie, Wilhelm Fuchs, James Fuller.

Ronald Gage, Garth Gardemann, James Gardner, Bert Garwood, Charles Garwood, Dale Garwood, Jack Garwood, Thomas Garwood, David Gates, Judah Gates, Donald R. Geater, Lenard Geater, Ray M. Geater, Roger Geater, Ronald Geiger, Warren Geiger, Stanley Geiken, Patrick Gill, Dave Goodell, Don Goodell, Jim Goodell, Susan Goodell, Robert Glass, Todd Gloede, Verlus Gloede, Kirk Gray, Terry Gray, Carl Greaser, Virgil Greenwood, John Gualtier, Keith Gulick, Gary Gustason.

Richard Hadley, George Haefner, Jerry Haefner, George Hanna, Robert Hanneman, Eldon Hans, Albert Hansen, Gilbert Hansen, Roger Hansen, David Happel , John Harper, Clarence Hawkins, Charles Helle, David Henkle, Blake Henkle, Dale Henry, Dale Hensing, George Herger, Delmer Hessenius, Herman Hessenius, Daniel Higdon, Ogden K. Hill, Gary Hilmer, Steven Hite, Chester Hobbs, James Hodgson, Craig Hoepner, Dick Hogan, Don Holmes, Jeff Holmes, Merle Horak, James Howard, Dennis Hummel, Kyle Hummel, Larry Hurst, James Hyde.

Roger Inman.

Jeremy James, Hilbert Jansen, Jack Jeffries, Duane Johnson, Jan Johnson, Richard Johnson, Ron Johnson, Norman Jones, Christopher Jorgensen.

Lester Kampman, Tyler Karrick, Jimmy Kearns, John Kearns, William Keller, John Kelley, Shannon Kelly, Darrell Kenney, Dick Kenney, Richard Kerdus, James Kirk, Charles Kleiner, Glenn Knaack, Jack Knaack, Keith Knaack, Jack Knaack, Keith Knaack, Ralph Knaack, Byron Knupp, Melvin Koehn, Gerald Kreutner, Russell Kreutner, Richard Kruckenberg.

Robert LaGrange, Daniel Lane, Howard Lane, Bruce Lange, Ronald Larson, Jason Laton, Leland Laton, James Laughridge, Barry Lefstad, Andrew Lent, Marvin Lerch, Leon Lewis, Alvin Lindahl, Harold Lindahl, Herbert Lindahl, Richard Lindsey, Charles Linsey Jr., John Lipcamon, Charles Lough, Donald Lough, Troy Lovell, Roy Lundberg, Robert Lutz, William Lynch.

Mark MacAvao, Daniel Mahoney, Kenneth Mahr, Don Mahurin, Raymond Maile, Duane Mangold, Ted Mann, Gregg Marshall, Lyle Marter, Donald Martin, Donald Mayhew, Marlyn Mayhew, Matthew Maynard, Mark McAvan, Stan McCaleb, Dale McClain, Larry McDaniel, Jack McDowell, Michael McGowan, Dedan McIntrye, Vernon L. McIntrye, Art McLaughlin, Jerry McNeal, Raymond McNeal, Herbert McNeill, Bert McNitt, Jerry Meadows, Michael Meadow, Donavon Merchant, Harold Merchant, Tom Merchant, Jim Messmore, Loren Messmore, Gerald Michael, Larry Michael, Dennis Miller, Elmer Miller, James Miller, Van Miller, William Milne, Boyd Milroy, Charlys Moody, Merrill Moore, Robert Moore, Brian Morrow, Wilson Robb Morrow, Keith Mossman, Marvill Mostrom, Andy Motto, Daniel Mulder, David Mulder, John Mulder.

James Narber, Michael Naylor, Jeremy Neuzil, William Newton, Frederick Noren, Gerald Novotny.

Robert Ogier, Carl Ohrt, Keith Ohrt, Jack Oliphant, Keith Oliphant, Lawrence Owens.

Benjamin Pameter, Rick Parmater, Jared Parmeter, Valmah Patrilla, Gerald Pederson, Gerald Petermeier, Dale Petersen, James Peterson, Edward Pickart, Billy Pillars, David Pladesn, Bertha Pohlmann, John Pohlmann, Harry Popelka, Wilber Powers.

Charles "Chuck" Radcliffe, Thomas Radcliffe, Michael Raue, Harold Rector, Riley Reeves, Michael Reige, Virgil Reinhart, George Reiss, Thomas Reisser, Wayne Rhinehart, Robert Rice, Ralph Richardson, Myron (Mike) Richart, Ernest Riggle, Russell Rinker, Bill Ripple, Roy Ripple, Donald Roepke, Frank Rogers, Richard F. Rogers, Robert C. Rogers, Zachary R. Rogers, Dale Romman, Marcella Romman, Oran Rommann, Marvin Rommann, Carlton Root, Todd Rosonke, Adam Roster, Wayne Roster, Wayne Rover, James Russell, Thomas Russom.

Drew Sallee, James Sarchett, Milton Scheib, David Schirm, Victor Schmidt, Dean Schminke, Richard Schoonover, Orville Schrage, David Schussler, Marion Schwartz, Harold Schulte, Beryl Scott, Robert Sebastian, Brian Seeman, Harlan Selken, Tracy Sellers, Donald Shaffer, Rex Shepherd, Ken Silker, Gary Simnacher, John Simnacher, Ron Smalley, Albert Smith, Cody Smith, Ralph Smith, Lee Smith Jr., Randy Smith, Dale Speidel, Clyde St. Clair, Earl Stahr, Robert ‘Bob’ Steinberg, John Stiegelmeyer, Aaron Streeter, Craig Streeter, Bill Strong, Gene Stueck, Kent Stufflebeam, Carl Summes, Mary Summy, Williams Summy, Dale Sutton, Michal Swallom.

Frank Teffer, Carl Tharp, Dennis Tharp, Dennis Thompson, Rex Thompson, Albert Thompsen, Mark Timmer, Bill Travis, Orville Trimble, Steven Troe.

Robert Umbenstock, Kadel Urice, Roger Uthoff, Bob Utterback.

Richard Van Fossen, Walter Van Steenhuyse, Henry Van Eschen, Harold Vanscoy, Jack Van Wechel.

William Wacht, Christopher Wagner, Cable Waldorf , Neil Waldorf, Bradley Walker, Norman Walker, Frank Warner, Dale Watson, Jason Watson, John Watson, Russell Weisert, Richard Welbes, Victor Westphal (WWII), Darrell Werning, Robert Werning, Ralph Wessling, Wayne Wetzel, Robert Whelan, Marlyn White, William White, Don Whitson, John Whitson, Maurice Whitson, Richard Whitson, Ross Wiley, D. Williams, Kenneth Williams, Lonnie Williams, Lyle Williams, Richard Williams, William Wolfe, Douglas Wood, Alan Woodhouse, Alan Wyckoff, Marshall Wycoff, Russell Wychoff, Ted Wyckoff.

Gale Yerkes.

Charles Yundt.

Bernard Zimpfer, Mark Zobac.

Please send us a note if we missed someone!


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J November 10, 2011, 1:00 pm you skipped Don Mahurin. He served during the Vietnam war.
Thanks! He\'s in there now!
LG November 10, 2011, 1:16 pm Valerie, what about all the current military personnel that are serving from are area, or that have just returned from tours, there are a lot that are not on this list that should me mentioned somewhere. That would be a nice story or tribute. Also unless I have over looked, I have not seen anything on a service tomorrow in our area.
- I only have names of those that have been submitted. Feel free to add to the list! It\'s growing every time we run it!!! -Valerie
LG&F November 11, 2011, 1:49 pm I also wanted to send our thanks to all who have served and all that are currently serving our country we appreciate what you have done and what your are currintly doing for us. Remembering you all.