The Vinton-Shellsburg School Board was called to order at 6:30 with five members present (Wiley, Bird, Gates, Rickels and Bartz). Hazen arrived at 6:41 and Wiley left at 8:40. The board moved into closed session as allowed to discuss a student discipline issue. After the board met, they moved back into open session. Megan Rickels moved to expel the student discussed and approve the confidential agreement concerning readmittance and other related matters that had been reached between the family and administration.
Under Administrator Reports, the board heard two presentations. Mr. Mochal, Ms. Wesley and three students provided an overview of the alternative HS program. It was obvious the students appreciate the opportunity to learn in a different setting and are using their time well. Mr. Smith shared details of a proposed band trip for the spring of 2013 to Disney in Florida.
Under the Superintendent Report, I shared that Kaiya Petersen will attend VS’s HSAP through open enrollment with Union. The board finalized their travel arrangements to attend the annual School Board Convention.
Under General Business of the Board, the board reviewed the minutes, claims (including an account with Apple so that we can purchase apps for the IPads we have been purchasing), financials, equipment disposal list, rental agreement with Alexa Shirm to use the MS facilities.
Under Personnel, Jill Gualtier’s resignation as lunch clerk and Kelly Steffen’s resignation as 7th grade head volleyball coach (although this was accepted pending a suitable replacement), modifying Brandi Kelchen’s contract as she moved from part-time to full-time with the new grant program, Karen Bunge had a contract modification, Crystal Coder was hired to be the MS play coach, and Katie Cook was hired as the Communication Coach at Tilford and Joanna Kalinas was approved as a long-term sub associate in the BLC at Shellsburg. The board accepted an annual insurance summary from Dave Vermedahl of Three Rivers Insurance. The board approved the District Mentoring Plan. They approved early graduation requests from Kaylee Roster, Renee Geiger and Cheyenne Wilkinson. They approved out-of-district travel for Mr. Davis and Keiffa Green and for the band to move forward with their plans for travel.
The board set the fee for Drivers’ Education at $310/student (the same as this year).
The board approved a contract termination recommendation for Sue Noren based on her needing to have a valid teaching license.
The board reviewed a summary of the district’s enrollment showing that we are down about 30 students.
The board approved an application for allowable growth that will allow us to pay for the students who are open enrolled out this year but were not on our headcount last fall (and so we did not generate any funding for them for this year).
The board discussed the possibility of offering an early retirement program. There was some interest in the board allowing this and they directed me to put it on the December board agenda as an action item.
The board reviewed the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy recommendations. The expanded administrative team had developed a list of recommendations and also three areas we want more direction from the board for long-term planning. The board is interested in a long-term solution to resurfacing the track which may cost about $100,000. Prior to doing it, they want to make sure the water drainage issue is fixed on the SW corner. The board is interested in pursuing a long-term fix to the west parking lot at Tilford. They directed me to work with an expert, perhaps to do some drilling, to determine the best way to get the lot more stable prior to putting on a top of cement, asphalt (or even gravel). The board discussed air conditioning needs at Shellsburg and the MS. They directed me to bring back the item next month for more discussion and possible action. They approved other PPEL recommendations including a significant increase in technology purchases (wireless connectivity, new computers for the secretaries, upgrading teacher computers K-8, upgrading student labs K-8, changing from JMC to PowerSchools), new music shells, and other items.
The board reviewed the work the District Technology Committee had done concerning the technology plan, acceptable use policy and social media policy. The work was praised and approved.
The board conducted the first reading on board policies in the 100 and 500 series.
The board approved a proclamation for American Education Week November 13-19.
There were no audience comments on any of the items.
The board adjourned at 9:02 PM.
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