The Vinton-Shellsburg High School Marching Band will be concluding its marching season this Friday as the band will perform at the 2012 Waukee Marching Invitational. This event will conclude one of the finest marching seasons for the band program.

On Saturday, September 22, the VSHS Marching Band went to Cedar Rapids Prairie for the “Bands Across the Prairie Invitational” and placed 4th. The marching band then went to “5 Seasons Marching Invitational” on Saturday, September 29 and placed 3rd. Drum majors, Emma Lippmann and Sara Jorgensen, received the caption award for Best Drum Majors in Class 3A. This caption award is the first earned caption award for the band program.

This past Saturday (October 6), the VSHS Marching Band went to Kingston Stadium for the 2012 IHSMA State Marching Band Festival and received a Division I rating. This is the seventh straight year that the VSHS Marching Band has earned a Division I rating, and is the 20th Division I rating that has been earned by the VSHS band program at a state festival (marching band, concert band, and jazz band).

Thank you to all of the community members, school administration, band parents, and band students for such a successful season. This year’s show was a total team effort! Thank you to the VSHS art teacher, Cris Juhl, and the art students for painting our backdrops again this year. Thank you to Ms. Danielle Newton and Mr. Cory McBride that volunteer their time and efforts towards helping our colorguard and percussion. Thank you also to the Hilo Hattie store in Hilo, Hawaii for the donation of the Hawaiian costumes for our marching show. Lastly, thank you again to our band parents and students that continue our tradition of excellence in the band program. They worked extremely hard towards making this marching season so successful. Thank you for your continued support of our band program here at VSHS


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KT September 24, 2012, 1:05 pm Wow! Way to go band! You\'re out on the field practicing early so many school mornings, I\'m glad your hard work and dedication paid off. Do it again next week!
RS September 24, 2012, 4:18 pm Great job V-S Marching Band!
me October 8, 2012, 9:44 pm Impressive!!! Great job, What an honor for the school, band and parents.
MG October 9, 2012, 1:56 pm Way to go band! Riding a wave to success. This was a fun show to watch.
DE October 9, 2012, 4:31 pm Several years ago I heard Mr. Smith talking about his philosopy in running a band program. He basically said, \"Why not excellence.\". I think that philosophy is working. Congratulations!!
LL October 9, 2012, 9:16 pm I have watched you many times and it gives me chicken skin (goose bumps)when all of you are out on the field performing and doing your school proud.
To get a DIVISION 1 in State is a great accomplishment and you ALL should be proud of who you are and what school you go to.
This is also due to the great leadership these kids have, and that is Karl Smith. Thank you Karl, for your time and talents.